Ritual Cycle 3
Bearing Witness to the Inequalities of Wealth and Power to bring forth a New Type of Sacred Activism.
Free Workshop
How can we face inequality with an open heart?
Sunday, April 15
1:00 pm UTC (Universal Time Code) See World Time Buddy for the correct time in your location.
In this seminar, Elizabeth Debold and Thomas Steininger will work with input from Dr. Aunkh H. Chabalala and Alnoor Ladha that will help guide us into a deeper exploration of bearing witness to wealth and inequality, and toward a new sacred activism. Before the seminar, feel free to watch and engage with the meditation and ritual presentations below. Consider what the Ritual Holders are asking us to witness and to give our hearts to. We will view selected parts of the rituals in the seminar as the foundation for our exploration.
Tentative Schedule:
1:00 pm UTC Introduction & Group Meditation
1:45 pm UTC Exploration & Collective Dialogue
2:30 pm UTC Small Breakout Groups
3:00 pm UTC Whole Group Discussion
Ritual Recordings
Poverty, inequality and disempowerment are man-made. Therefore, abundance and freedom are our collective responsibility. The African principle of Ma’at or uBuntu reminds us of our inherent natural proclivity to love, share, reciprocated and give unconditionally. Please join with Aunkh H Chabalala and bring into our spheres of awareness, the shared pain, agony, indignity and dishonor that we have allowed to be perpetuated on the planet. Transformation from suffering to ever-improving quality for all doesn’t depend on the external forces, but in the inherit causal realms found deep in the inner recesses of our spirits. This ritual space beacons us to stay in solidarity with the poor, marginalized and oppressed; trusting in the transmuting powers that offer us a unique opportunity to co-create harmonious and thriving ‘glocal’ societies that are livable and inheritable to our progeny.
Opening + Closing Ritual
Dr. Rama Mani and Arjuna Hiffler Mani, mother and son, will take us on a journey to transform the Love of Power to the Power of Love with real-life enacted testimonies, poetry, spoken word, music and rap. This performance will transport you to war zones and crisis-affected areas around the world to encounter ordinary-extraordinary people who stepped forward to question, confront and transform the inequities of power with their courage, creativity and compassion.
Arjuna’s trenchant lyrical and philosophical music weaves through the testimonies to remind us of what we choose to witness or to ignore, and ultimately who we choose to be.
Together we will discover how we can transform the love of power that is destroying our world into the power of love which can heal and embrace all humanity. This journey in sacred artistry will take the form of a four-fold ritual, engaging you in the four stages of theatre of transformation’s catalytic process, to: Witness Reality, Awaken Possibility, Envision Change, and Enact Transformation.
Closing Ritual: Alnoor Ladha of The Rules, a community of activists, joins us from Costa Rica, to offer insight into the structural inequality that drives so much division on our planet and asks us to create a new type of sacred activism that is rooted in non-separation and goes beyond the inner work. The ritual will be held as a Satsang. Witness Bearers will be invited to contemplate what it means to live a post-capitalist reality and what role sacred activism can play in creating the new world. The opening discussion will be closed by Chonon Quena with a Shipibo Icaros (a spiritual chant focused on a specific intention). The purpose of this particular Icaros will be to help usher in a new type of non-dual understanding of power, which will also be the focus of the Satsang. The final 20 minutes of this session will be interactive and Witness Bearers will be invited to offer comments and questions for larger group discussion.
Cycle 3 Ritual Holders:
This work is made possible only through love and generosity. If you can, please donate so that it can continue. Thank you very much!
Your donation will go to emerge bewusstseinskultur e.V., which is the parent organization of OWiD and OWBW, and a charitable educational association in Germany.