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The Global Dialogue Lab - Changing the way we make change
The 2019 Global Dialogue Lab
Our Special Guest:
David Nicol
Friday, June 7, 2019 @ 3:00 pm UTC
Question for 2019:
What can WE do? What's the potential of coming together?
David Nicol is the author of a very unique book, Subtle Activism. David shows how collective efforts at creating peace and change can begin through shared prayer, intention, and spiritual practice.
In joining the Global Dialogue Lab, David will lead us in subtle activism designed to address one of the critical issues dividing humanity and the Earth today. We will learn from David how subtle activism has worked as a deep practice of change.
Join us on Friday, June 7, 2019 at 3:00pm UTC, 17:00 CET, 11am EDT-US, and 8:30pm in India. to meet David and to explore the power of shared human intention and love.
REGISTER to get access information for the Lab.
Want to know MORE ABOUT DAVID? Click here.
Upcoming Guests
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We offer this work as a gift toward the future of a world in dialogue.
We seek to network people, like you,
with the change-makers, spiritual leaders, and activists
who see that changing human consciousness
is a foundation for deeper cultural change.
We are very grateful for your support--we cannot do this without it!
Past Dialogues
Short Takes -- Register to Access the Full Dialogue
Hosts Elizabeth Debold, Thomas Steininger, and Bayo Akomolafe share their thoughts about a new kind of activism. (Full length)
Global women's rights activist Mallika Dutt explores the difference between human rights and interconnectedness.
Author and environmental activist Charles Eisenstein speaks about the one principle of radical activism: What is it like to be you?
Nobel Peace Prize winner and change strategist Leymah Gbowee explains why, in these times, peace must be loud.
Shelley Sacks, University of the Trees founder and practitioner of social sculpture, explores what a paradigm shift is in practice.
Following the 2016 US election, evolutionary activist Gibran Rivera explores epiphany and emergence as engines for deep change.
Alnoor Ladha, co-founder of The Rules, wonders whether the purpose of our civilizational crisis is to ask big questions.
Annie Levin, curator for The Emergence Network, asks if our feelings are really the right guide for action.
Amir Ahmad Nasr, author of My Isl@m and tech entrepreneur, explains why tech disruption is like colonialism.
Spiritual leader, healer, and cultural pioneer Pi Villaraza speaks about how technology can bring the Eastern and Western minds together.
Dr. Rose Sackey-Milligan, activist and Lukumi priest, asks if true social liberation is possible without deep spiritual liberation.
Yael Treidel, a leader in Women Wage Peace in Palestine-Israel, speaks about real relationship as a way to step outside the "system."
The Indian educator and thinker Pawan Gupta explores what it means for people to be colonized by a foreign language.
Dr. Rama Mani, peacebuilder and transformative leader, uses dramatization to explore how leaders can get beyond power abuse.
Our theme for the year: "What is Sacred Activism?"
Elizabeth Debold and Thomas Steininger open up the theme for 2018: "What is sacred activism?" (Full length.)
Dr. Aunkh H. Chabalala opens us up to "uBuntu," a way of being and relatedness of the Bantu people, as sacred activism.
Cynthia Jurs explains how the Earth Treasure Vase practice -- given to her by a 106-year-old Tibetan monk -- opens new potentials for healing.
How can we keep our hearts open as we face into the inequalities in this world? Sabine Lichtenfels speaks about a very deep engagement with sacred activism.
Rami Efal, of Zen Peacemakers Int'l, opens a dialogue about how knowing can be a form of violence...and not knowing is a foundation of sacred activism.
Patrick Kronfli, the co-founder of Unify and Global Sisterhood, shares the entrepreneurial spirit, humility, and vision that drives him to create spiritual movements.
Agota Ruzsa, from Hungary, brings a deep cultural view to dialogue--going to the root of things in her language. Here we explore what an "open society" might mean--an it's not Soros!
Meet Moetu Taiha whose relationship with Land and Water opens a new way of being human. This Grandmother of the Sacred We brings us into a new relatedness.
Our theme for the year: "What can WE do? What's the transformative potential of coming together?"
Want to hear the full dialogue? Access our Dialogue archives and join OUR GLOBAL DIALOGUE LAB community
Once you have signed up, you will receive access details for each call via email, as well as the access code to the archives, and all future calls.
Meet the Hosts
Wolfgang J. Aurose, M.A., author of Die Seele der Nationen: Evolution...
Raúl Quiñones-Rosado, Ph.D., is Founder & Principal at cambio-Integral, and is an...
Diane Musho Hamilton is an internationally recognized mediator and facilitator,...
Thomas Steininger, Ph.D., studied philosophy at the University of Vienna,...
Adebayo C. Akomolafe, Ph.D. is a young clinical psychologist, lecturer,...
Radio evolve Global (INTERNATIONAL EDITION – January 18. 2018) This week...
Thomas Steininger and Alnoor Ladha Alnoor Ladha is Executive Director of...
Due to a technical problem there is a short part...
Integral City Meshworks is a global constellation of communities of...
Past Guests
To access the Global Dialogue Archives, sign up above.
About the Global Dialogue Lab
Elizabeth Debold is the founder and anchor of the Global Dialogue Lab, where she is often joined by One World in Dialogue co-founder, Thomas Steininger. From time to time, writer and agent provocateur, Bayo Akomolafe jumps in to co-host this series of monthly forums on new approaches to activism and change-making. With the input of the hosts and special guests, the Lab is designed to cultivate the thinking, aliveness, and creativity that can take us in new and unexpected directions.

Rather than sharing best practices or learning new skills, participants in the Lab are invited to stay with what troubles us and to hold the dilemmas of change, together. Especially for social justice activists, change-makers, and aid workers, the Lab offers solidarity and support through the creation of a shared field of inquiry and unity.
What happens in the Global Dialogue Lab?
We start with a dialogue between the hosts and our special guest—folks like Mallika Dutt, Charles Eisenstein, Shelley Sacks or Alnoor Ladha. We explore the deeper issues facing change-makers, personally and in their work, and draw on their experience and wisdom to illuminate new territory and open up new lines of thinking and questioning. Next, we come together with all participants (who want to join) and continue the conversation with the guest, hosts, and whole group. Finally, participants break into small groups for deeper, more intimate discussion.
The GDL is held via Zoom videoconference—we actually can see each other! (And you can also join by phone, if you prefer.) After the groups, we encourage a continued conversation on the Facebook Global Dialogue Lab page.
The format of the GDL will change as the field between us develops. We see the creation of this field of inquiry and unity as a form of activism -- through developing a global socially conscious and consciously social We.
Meet the Facilitators
Each month we have a changing group of volunteers to help guide the small group dialogues.
You can learn more about some of the facilitators below.
If you would like to join us as a facilitator, write to: info@oneworldindialogue.com