A dialogue with Elizabeth Debold
How can we use the power of the internet for a new form of spiritual activism? Elizabeth Debold is the creator of One World Bearing Witness, an annual 24-hour online vigil that will take place for the third time on this coming weekend December 7th and 8th. Thousands ofpeople of all continents will gather together in their homes, houses of worship, community centers, and sacred spaces through the global connective power of the internet to bear witness to Earth, our Mother and Home.
They will be guided by spiritual leaders, sacred activists, and wisdom keepers like Pir Zia Inayat-Khan, Charles Eisenstein, Pi Villaraza from the Philippines, Ruth Langford from Tasmania, and others who will explore and deepend the realization that we belong to Earth and that our nonseparation with Earth matters to the health of this beautiful planet. What is the purpose of such a gathering? How is this a new form of activism? What is the relationship between this form of activism and more direct action?
In this week’s Radio evolve, Thomas Steininger will talk with Elizabeth Debold about how we can use the power of the internet for new forms of global spiritual activism.