We're All In This Together
An Online Global Meditation
Sit-in & Be-in
Sunday, March 29
10am - 10pm UTC
Be Together.
Create Calm.
Join for as little or as long as you like.
You are invited...
Let’s come together.
Please join with other concerned human beings from around the world in the depth and stillness of shared silence. Shared silence is not the silence of loneliness and isolation. It is the ground of living connection. This situation is serious–and what each of us does is important to the health, well-bring, and stability of ourselves, our loved ones, our communities, and our world. Together, we can create a field of calm and peace to counter fear, panic, and separation and to deepen the realization that we are always connected.
You are needed.
Your heart and presence are needed at this moment. It doesn’t matter whether you have meditated before or not, whether you have a practice of prayer or not. All you need is your sincere concern. During this meditation “sit-in” (and “be-in”), you will be guided by spiritual friends and teachers who will help us to simply be, breathe, and create a tranquil field of calm from which we can take saner, smarter action. Every hour of the event will be led by a different guide. And in the middle, and at the end, we will speak together to share our experience. You are welcome to join the meditation at any point, and leave when you like. We will meet in an online Zoom conference room where we can meditate and pray together.
The times are urgent.
We must slow down.
--Bayo Akomolafe, sharing the wisdom of Nigerian elders
Not Knowing.
Bearing Witness.
Taking Action.
--Roshi Bernie Glassman, The Three Tenets
10:00am UTC - 10:45am UTC
Welcome & Opening Ritual
Elizabeth Debold and Thomas Steininger, the co-founders of One World in Dialogue, will open the day, offer brief meditation instructions, and set a collective intention. Thomas and Elizabeth have been guiding others in meditation for two decades. For them, meditation is a critical foundation for the development of a new culture rooted in nonseparation and a shift from a hyperindividuated “I” to a co-creative “We.” They are known internationally for awakening individuals and groups to this new, transindividual We potential.
They will be joined by Metsa Nihue, one of the most highly regarded Western practitioners of plant spirit medicine, for an opening ritual with the sacred element of water.
Metsa calls himself a vegetalista (vegetalist) due to his direct relationship with plants in South America. The Shipibo people of Peru call him an Onaya (medicine man). Many call him a “shaman,” but it’s a term he doesn’t promote. Through ritual, prayer, ceremony, and song, he acts as an inter-dimensional traveler, a walker between worlds, helping people connect to themselves, to the invisible power of nature, and to the ineffable. Today, his practice is focused on using the universal languages of singing and music to help people reconnect with the sense that we are all, in fact, connected.
Please have a glass of water with you. For this water blessing, Metsa will be joined by his life partner, Dr. Kelly Jennings, a naturopath and TCM practitioner, who is pioneering collective forms of healing.
You can learn more about Metsa and listen to his healing music medicine here.
11:00am UTC - 11:45am UTC
Aunkh Chabalala
Aunkh H Chabalala, PhD, MPH, is a Medical Natural Scientist, African Medicine Practitioner and Infectious Diseases Epidemiologist. He is the founder of the Amen-Ra Institute and Infinite Earth, whose objectives are to restore Afrikan sciences of consciousness and medical systems. His reason for existence is total commitment to serving life; through sharing Kemetic (Afrikan Egyptian) and Ba-Ntu cosmologies, meditation techniques, initiations systems and martial arts. He is the current Director of the South African Indigenous Knowledge-Based Technology Innovation Department. He is the creator of an Ubuntu-Based Bio-Innovation Model used in natural health products development for the upliftment of the poor and marginalised. He travels, studies and facilitates workshops around the world.
12noon UTC - 12:45pm UTC
Annette Kaiser
Annette Kaiser was born in Zurich/Switzerland in 1948. She is a spiritual teacher and is the founder and spiritual director of the Villa Unspunnen in Switzerland. She has a vision of a universal spirituality that she shares in her books and seminars. After studying economics and sociology at the University of St. Gallen (CH), she worked for many years in the field of development cooperation. She specialized in the cause of women and intercultural dialogue. For 17 years she was a student of Irina Tweedie, an Anglo-Russian Sufi teacher. In the late 1980s Annette Kaiser founded her Tai Ji DO school and has been training teachers for over 30 years. Since 1998, she has been authorized by Mrs. Tweedie to continue the Naqshbandiyya Mujaddidiyya Sufilineage and to accompany people on the path of love.
Annette is offering a course on women mystics that you can learn about here.
1:00pm UTC - 1:45pm UTC
Paul Wang
Paul Wang is a Master-Teacher of Chinese Classics, meditation, “insight calligraphy,” and “mindfulness Tai Chi” at the Live Zen Centre and Kung Fu Zen Garden Retreat. While he is a Chinese native, he has been teaching classical Chinese philosophy, in English, at the Capital Normal University and the Institute of Education for over 10 years. He is an expert in the classics of Confucius, Laozi, Zhuangzi, as well as the Southeast Asian, Chinese Zen, and Tibetan Buddhism. He is proficient in using art-based techniques of what he calls “Insight Calligraphy”as a tool for meditation, awareness, and stable heart cultivation.
Paul Wang will offer us 5 minutes of Qigong and 10 minutes of guided meditation.
2:00pm UTC - 2:45pm UTC
Thanissara is an Anglo-Irish teacher from London, and started Buddhist practice in the Burmese school of U Ba Khin in 1975. She was inspired to ordain after meeting Ajahn Chah, and spent 12 years as a Buddhist nun where she was a founding member of Chithurst and Amaravati Buddhist Monasteries in England. Her practice and teaching are also influenced by the teachings and practice of the Chinese meditation master, Master Hsuan Hua.
She has an MA in Mindfulness-Based Psychotherapy Practice from the Karuna Institute in the UK. With Kittisaro, she co-founded Dharmagiri Sacred Mountain Retreat and helped initiate and support a number of HIV/Aids response projects in South Africa. They also co-founded Chattanooga Insight, TN and Sacred Mountain Sangha, CA. She has supported a number of Climate Activist events, retreats, and programs, and is deeply engaged in applying the Dharma to our times of planetary emergency.
She is the author of several books, including her latest, Time To Stand Up, A Buddhist Manifesto for Our Earth, and is co-author with Kittisaro of Listening to the Heart, A Contemplative Journey to Engaged Buddhism.
Due to the unreliability of internet where she is in South Africa, she will appear in a pre-recorded video.
3:00pm UTC - 3:45pm UTC
Terry Patten
4:00pm UTC - 4:45pm UTC
Emergent Dialogue led by Thomas Steininger
Dr. Thomas Steininger has been cultivating transformative “We Space” practices for over 25 years. As a philosopher, practitioner, and spiritual mentor, he has immersed himself in the practice of meditation and in exploring the evolution of human consciousness, particularly the current transition from a hyperindividual “I” culture to a co-conscious “We.” An authority on cultural evolution and the different spiritual and religious currents that have formed our postmodern world, he brings this perspective to his position as publisher of evolve-magazin, the leading German magazine on consciousness and culture. He is also the voice of Radio evolve, a weekly webcast. He has co-founded and developed a process of emergent dialogue, an advanced practice in conscious communication.
5:00pm UTC - 5:45pm UTC
Metsa Nihue
Metsa Nihue will return after the morning water blessing to share a message from the elders of the Lakota Sioux people that he just received. Metsa, while trained in plant medicine practice in the Shipibo tradition, further immersed himself and developed his skill sets over the years through indigenous traditions from the Amazon, the Andes, the Native American Plains, and Gabon.
Today, his practice is focused on using the universal languages of singing and music to help people reconnect with the sense that we are all, in fact, connected.
For more about Metsa’s healing music, go here.
6:00pm UTC - 6:45pm UTC
Rami Avraham Mukyu Efal
7:00pm UTC - 7:45pm UTC
Cynthia Jurs
Cynthia Jurs, founder, Earth Treasure Vase Global Healing Project & the Gaia Mandala Sangha, is a Tibetan Buddhist lama and a dharmacharya in Thich Nhat Hanh’s Order of Interbeing whose personal source of refuge is Mother Earth; Gaia. In 1990, she received the practice of the Earth Treasure Vases from a 106-year-old lama living in a cave in Nepal. Since then she has either been practicing in retreat, or traveling the world to plant these little holy vessels as seeds of peace where suffering is present and healing is called for.
Unfortunately, the video of Cynthia’s meditation, where she spoke powerfully about the “karunavirus” — “karuna” means “compassion” in Sanskrit and Pali, did not download. So here is a video of Cynthia from One World Bearing Witness 2017, where she offers a meditation on the Earth Treasure Vase mandala.
Website: www.EarthTreasureVase.org and soon, www.GaiaMandala.net
You can join Cynthia for her free monthly Full Moon Earth Treasure Vase Global Healing Meditation that takes place on Zoom. To register for free, click here. A recording is automatically sent out to everyone who is registered.
8:00pm UTC - 8:45pm UTC
David Nicol
David T. Nicol, PhD is the author of Subtle Activism: The Inner Dimension of Social and Planetary Transformation (SUNY Press), the first comprehensive study of the idea that focused collective meditation and intention can contribute powerfully and measurably to social change. David is the director and co-founder of EarthRising and the Gaiafield Project. He has taught on subtle activism at the California Institute of Integral Studies, The Shift Network, and now at EarthRising. A native of Australia, David now lives in North California with his wife Kate.
Unfortunately, the Zoom recording of this session did not download properly so it is not available.
David will be offering a free event with Cynthia Jurs on Saturday April 11: Gaia Calling ~ Being a Holy Vessel for Global Healing & Collective Awakening.

9:00pm UTC - 9:45pm UTC
Last Meditation & Closing
Be still.
Pay attention.
Let everything be.
Let everything go.
Unfortunately, the Zoom recording of this session with Elizabeth and Thomas did not download properly, so it is not available.
10:00pm UTC
Open Dialogue Space
For anyone who likes,
we can stay together briefly to share experiences.