Ritual Cycle 6
Bearing Witness to De-Colonizing Consciousness
Free Workshop
What does de-colonizing consciousness mean for the colonized and the colonizer?
Sunday, October 14
1:00 pm UTC (Universal Time Code) See World Time Buddy for the correct time in your location.
In this seminar, we begin with a deep and delightful reading by Bayo Akomolafe that invites us to contemplate play of colonizing and de-colonizing in a reading from his last book. Then, using a video recording from Serena Olsen, Pi Villaraza, and Peter Wrycza, we explore the theme of de-colonizing consciousness. Elizabeth Debold and Thomas Steininger will help guide us into a deeper exploration of this particular aspect of bearing witness.
Before the seminar, feel free to watch and engage with the meditation and ritual presentations from the OWBW event last December, which are below. Consider what the Ritual Holders are asking us to witness and to give our hearts to. We will view selected parts of the rituals in the seminar as the foundation for our exploration.
Tentative Schedule:
1:00 pm UTC Introduction & Meditation/Contemplation with Bayo Akomolafe
1:30 pm UTC Exploring De-colonization and Spiritual By-Passing
2:00 pm UTC Small Breakout Groups
2:30 pm UTC Whole Group Discussion
We will end with the forum open so that participants can engage with each other for as long as they like.
Click on this link a few minutes before the workshop begins:
Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://zoom.us/j/657614816
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Germany: +49 (0) 30 3080 6188 or +49 (0) 30 5679 5800
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Meeting ID: 657 614 816
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Ritual Recordings
Bayo Akómoláfé is globally recognized for his poetic, unconventional, counterintuitive, and indigenous take on global crisis, civic action and social change. He reads from his work and invites us into a contemplation that will subvert the conventional categories of being and doing, I’ing and you’ing.
Opening + Closing Ritual:
Our sixth Ritual Cycle opens with song and drumming from Chandra Ma, in Peru, who guides us out of the meditation into contemplation of the theme of de-colonizing consicousness by reconnecting with the Four Elements.
The Global Ecovillage Network – Oceania & Asia, plus Innerdance Global, invites us to witness a ceremony of re-membering—an awakening to the waking dream where the bondage of constructed worldview matrices begins to unravel. Through the facilitation of Serena Olsen, a dialogue between places and liberated inner spaces, from India and the UK, and more, invites Witness Bearers to experience how the parts create a dynamic whole of humanity’s consciousness as represented from India, Singapore, South Africa, the Philippines, and more.
Following the powerful sharing from the Global Ecovillage Network, co-host Andrew Venezia guides us in honing our collective and individual intentions towards a flourishing, human planet. Connecting together through meditation, Andrew uses a visualization and a simple ritual to empower us in working towards a world we envision and deeply yearn for, liberating the power of our consciousness in service of the world we know is possible.
Be sure to have a candle nearby, and a way to light it! (If this is impossible for any reason, you can visualize your candle.) You may also want a pen and paper.
We end with a song from the Awakened Life Project in Portugal. This intentional community recently was devastated by fire. To contribute to the re-building of this special community, click here.
Cycle 6 Ritual Holders:

Global Ecovillage Network-Oceania & Asia
Serena Olsen, facilitator, Innerdance Global
This work is made possible only through love and generosity. If you can, please donate so that it can continue. Thank you very much!
Your donation will go to emerge bewusstseinskultur e.V., which is the parent organization of OWiD and OWBW, and a charitable educational association in Germany.