Ritual Cycle 2
Bearing Witness to Our Relatedness and Capacity for Transformation
Free Seminar Workshop
What is the potential of our deep relatedness?
Sunday, March 18
2:00 pm UTC (Universal Time Code) See World Time Buddy for the correct time in your location.
In this seminar, Elizabeth Debold and Thomas Steininger invite us to go more deeply into who we are and where we come from, so that we can begin to develop a real sense of how deeply related we are. Before the seminar, feel free to watch and engage with the meditation and ritual presentations below. Consider what Shelley Sacks and Sabine Lichtenfels are asking us to witness and to give our hearts to. We will view selected parts of the rituals in the seminar as the foundation for our exploration.
Tentative Schedule:
2:00 pm UTC Introduction & Group Meditation
2:45 pm UTC Exploration & Collective Dialogue
3:30 pm UTC Small Breakout Groups
4:00 pm UTC Whole Group Discussion
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Ritual Recordings
The Benedictine Sisters of Dinklage Abtei ask for guidance from our Creator and invite us to pray together for justice, peace, and the protection of creation
Opening Ritual
"To feel as if you belong is one of the great triumphs of Human existence. Our sense of woundedness around not belonging makes us the only part of creation that knows what it’s like to live in exile,“ says poet-pholosopher David Whyte. Abhishek Thapar, a young contemporary theatre performance professional originally from India, who was expelled from his childhood home during the Punjab insurgency, explores through a short film the desire for home and belonging in the face of dislocation and forced migration.
Center Ritual + Closing Ritual
Shelley Sacks and members of the University of the Trees community invite the Witness Bearers to participate in the “Landing Strip for Souls”, a process acknowledging both the fundamental relatedness of all of life as well as the reality of our fragmentations. By working with the “invisible materials” [Joseph Beuys] of discussion, thinking, values, and questions, we gather substance and develop awareness of the space between us that holds an experience for our work towards a humane and ecologically viable world. Through the University of the Trees: Lab for new Knowledge and an Eco-Social Future, Shelley Sacks’s diverse artistic and academic work offers practices that contribute to forming the “social mycelium,” a nourishing root system for a new culture.
Closing Ritual: Sabine Lichtenfels leads us into a meditative space from which we can contemplate the Earth and our relation to it, inviting us into the profound space of the Tamera rock garden. She greets us as fellow peace workers, and invites us to engage with her about the deeper journey to peace.
Cycle 1 Ritual Holders:

Benedictine Sisters
of Dinklage Abtei, Germany and others
This work is made possible only through love and generosity. If you can, please donate so that it can continue. Thank you very much!