Audio Recordings 2017
Here are the links to the audio recordings from One World Bearing Witness held on December 2nd – 3rd, 2017. Click on the person’s name to activate the link to the recording. You can either listen to them here or download them to listen whenever you like. The videos will be made available at the beginning of January, 2018.
Please note, our next One World Bearing Witness event will be a 24-hour global meditation vigil on December 8th – 9th, 2018. You do not need to sign up again. You will receive information about this if you stay subscribed to our email list.
Also, we will be offering FREE seminars to give you the opportunity to go more deeply into the process of bearing witness and the themes of the Ritual Cycles. We want to build a community that has the strength and depth to hold the conflicts, challenges, and connection with the whole diverse spectrum of human beings across the world. The dates and time for those seminars are listed below.
Welcome & Opening Ceremony
Thomas Mendoza and David Nicol
FREE Seminar: What is “bearing witness”? Does it make a difference?
Sunday, January 21, 2:00 pm UTC
Ritual Cycle 1: Bearing Witness to Our Mother, Earth
Cynthia Jurs, Terry Patten, Grandmother Flordemayo, Lotan Sapir & Miriam Turmalin
FREE Seminar: How do we face our collective responsibility for climate change?
Sunday, February 18, 2:00 pm UTC
Ritual Cycle 2: Bearing Witness to Our Relatedness and Capacity for Transformation Benedictine Sisters, Abhishek Thapar, Shelley Sacks, Sabine Lichtenfels
FREE Seminar: Is there a way to transform “otherness” into relatedness?
Sunday, March 18, 2:00 pm UTC
Ritual Cycle 3: Bearing Witness to the Inequalities of Wealth and Power to bring forth a New Type of Sacred Activism Aunkh H. Chabalala, Rama Mani & Arjuna Hiffler Mani, Chonon Quena & Alnoor Ladha
FREE Seminar: Can sacred activism really respond to the inequalities of our world?
Sunday, April 15, 2:00 pm UTC
Ritual Cycle 4: Bearing Witness to Healing the Heart of Humanity Pir-Zia Inayat-Khan, Nagahori Noriko, BINHI & GINHAWA
FREE Seminar: How can we create rituals that are authentic enough to heal our hearts?
Sunday, May 13, 2:00 pm UTC
Communal Ritual: Bearing Witness to Bearing Witness Peter Florian Frank, Marko Pogačnik, Jorge Crescente, Moetu Taiha
FREE Seminar: What can human awareness bring to the different dimensions of life on Earth?
Sunday, June 24, 2:00 pm UTC
Ritual Cycle 5: Bearing Witness to the Wounds of History Rabbi Sheila Weinberg, Abhishek Thakore & South Asian Youth Conference, Nayri Niara
FREE Seminar: How can all sides take responsibility for the effects of the historical past?
Sunday, September 16, 2:00 pm UTC
Ritual Cycle 6: Bearing Witness to De-colonizing Consciousness Bayo Akómoláfé, Global Ecovillage Network – Oceania & Asia, Andrew Venezia
FREE Seminar: What does de-colonizing consciousness mean for the colonized and the colonizer?
Sunday, October 14, 2:00 pm UTC
Ritual Cycle 7: Bearing Witness to the Poetics of the Innate Unity of Being Tulku Lobsang, Rose Sackey-Milligan, Vincent Moon & Patricia Telmon
FREE Seminar: How does the realization of Unity allow us to respond differently to difference?
Sunday, November 4, 2:00 pm UTC
This work is made possible only through love and generosity. If you can, please donate so that it can continue. Thank you very much!
Your donation will go
to emerge bewusstseinskultur e.V., which is the parent organization of OWiD and OWBW, and a charitable educational association in Germany.