a 6-month program led by Elizabeth Debold & Thomas Steininger
January - June 2019
Have you ever had a sense that much more was possible between us? Not just in intimate relationships, but at work, with friends, in life?
There is.
It’s a new emergence in human consciousness. It’s about We: the creative potential of the space between us.
Some call it the We Space or Dynamic Presencing or Collective Intelligence. We call our We Space work the HigherWe.
Whatever you call it, it calls us to a higher and deeper integration of self with the whole, a living nonseparation of self and others, and a potential for co-creativity that is almost uncharted.
The Power of We program has three different parts that, taken together, provide a rich and comprehensive introduction to the living intersubjective field of We and its creative potential.

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Part 1
and develop the capacity to sense the living We Field through six 90-120 minute co-learning sessions led by Thomas Steininger and Elizabeth Debold.

Part 2
what you are discovering in small groups that meet every other week with experienced facilitators. These 60 minute sessions are where the “rubber hits the road.”

Part 3
with different We Space practices for different purposes in monthly mini-workshops led by leading We-pioneers. Each workshop is 90-120 minutes long.
Program Leaders
For over twenty years, Thomas Steininger and Elizabeth Debold have committed themselves to the development and exploration of We Space, which they call the HigherWe. They were part of pioneering work in a spiritual community that broke through to this new dimension of human togetherness and creativity. Realizing the cultural potential of this breakthrough, Elizabeth and Thomas have continued to develop their approach to We Space after the community disbanded.
Elizabeth and Thomas have been working together for the past five years in Germany and globally to develop a stable foundation of awakened We that can be shared more widely and deepened. Thomas is a philosopher by training, and publisher of evolve Magazine, a quarterly publication in German, as well as the host of Radio evolve. Elizabeth, trained as a developmental psychologist with a focus on gender, is the founder of One World in Dialogue, and the key architect of its global programs.

The Facilitator Team
Our facilitators hold open the depth, unity, and direction of the collective field. This is not a usual type of facilitation process, but one that is attuned to the deeper dimensions of the intersubjective — the space between us that is ever-present and alive. Our main “space holders” have been working this co-creative space for between eight and ten years. Some are new, with two years of experience, but a few have over a dozen years of experience and exploration of this new intersubjective terrain.
Maria Zacherl
Diana Spiegel
Peter Willer
Denise Mueller
Abhishek Thakore
Maria Brandau
Angelo Herrera
Diane Charles
Matthew Kent
Virginia Thomas
Karen Miller-Lane
co-learning Session Schedule
Sessions are held on Zoom Videoconferencing. You can join Zoom for free, and use any device that has a camera and audio: a smartphone, tablet, laptop, or computer.
Need to miss a session? Not to worry. Each session is videorecorded, and all recordings are made available to participants to watch or download.Session 1: Awakening the We
In this introductory session, you will be guided into an experience of the intersubjective, awakening your capacity to sense the subtle aliveness and potential that is always present between us. We will make key distinctions between an “I” and a “We” orientation that we will explore together.
DATE: Saturday, 26 January 2019 AND Sunday, 10 February 2019
TIME: For Saturday, 26 January: 4:00 pm UTC; 17:00 CET; 9:30 pm IST; 11:00 am US-EST
For Sunday, 10 February: Global Group: 2:00 pm UTC; 15:00 CET; 7:30 pm IST; 9:00 am US-EST
German Group: 5:00 pm UTC; 18:00 CET; 10:30 pm IST; 12:00 noon US-EST
Session 2: Mindfulness & Beyond
Mindfulness has brought awareness into the mainstream. While it is often used purely as a technique, it has opened many into the infinite depth that is the ground of Being. For the step into the We, having this grounding makes it easier to let go of the defensive boundaries of the small self. In this session, we will explore the practice of meditation as a gateway into sacred intimacy with each other and the world around us.
DATE: Saturday, 23 February 2019
TIME: 4:00 pm UTC; 17:00 CET; 9:30 pm IST; 11:00 am US-EST
Session 3: The Emergence of We Practices
In this session, we will place the emergence of the We and these new collective practices in an historical context. First, we will explore “emergence” and how it is essential to evolution at all levels of creation. Next, we ask: How are these practices something new and how are they a revisiting of earlier modes of consciousness from human tribes? We will explore the process of emergence in our experience together.
DATE: Saturday, 23 March 2019
TIME: 4:00 pm UTC; 17:00 CET; 9:30 pm IST; 11:00 am US-EST
Session 4: The Evolution of Creativity
Human beings have been defined by our creativity since the very beginning of human culture. Yet how we are creative has changed and developed over millennia. In this session, we will explore the development of creativity from the core evolutionary driver of procreation, to the leap to individual conscious creativity, and now the emergence of co-creativity. Co-creativity is not simply about working well together, but is about tapping into the mind, heart, and intelligence of the whole, as a collective, together.
DATE: Saturday, 27 April 2019
TIME: 4:00 pm UTC; 17:00 CET; 9:30 pm IST
Session 5: The dialogical sphere
Dialogue, which means the coming through (“dia-“) of the Word (“Logos”), is not simply about talking together. It is a transformation of self that takes us beyond our individuation and into an intuition of wholeness. Another potential is unleashed that is both transrational and transindividuated. Understanding this as the core of dialogical practice allows us to discover and explore a new, shared source of intelligence that can reveal new ways to take a step forward even in the most difficult circumstances.
DATE: Saturday, 25 May 2019
TIME: 4:00 pm UTC; 17:00 CET; 9:30 pm IST
Session 6: Co-Conscious Emergence
The experience of co-conscious emergence is the hallmark of the HigherWe. Dropping our fixation with our separate self-sense, and simultaneously refining our individual intention and capacity to choose where we place our attention, we can become vehicles for a co-conscious, co-intelligent presence that allows new capacities in our humanity to open up. We will explore this dimension together as a whole to see its profound sacredness as well as its practicality in meeting the challenges of the future.
DATE: Saturday, 29 June 2019
TIME: 4:00 pm UTC; 17:00 CET; 9:30 pm IST
Join us beginning on 26 January or 10 February 2019!
We will have two starting dates.
The second date is for late registrants and for speakers of German.
See above for times.

Special Guest Faculty

Holoscendence & Integral Meditation
Sunday, 24 February 2019
3:00pm UTC; 16:00 CET; 8:30pm IST; 10:00am EST-US
Francois Demange
Invisible Liveness Resonance:
A Recall of Celebration
Wednesday, 20 March 2019
2:00pm UTC; 15:00 CET; 7:30pm IST; 10:00am EST-US

Rosa Zubizarreta
Hosting Co-Creative Dialogue on Challenging Issues
Tuesday, 9 April 2019
3:00pm UTC; 17:00 CET; 8:30pm IST; 11:00am EST-US
Patricia Albere
Discover Mutual Awakening:
A 21st Century Spiritual Practice
Friday, 10 May 2019
3:00pm UTC; 17:00 CET; 8:30pm IST; 11:00am EST-US

Nuno Da Silva
Meeting the Wild Beyond Our Fences
Thursday, 6 June 2019
5:00pm UTC; 19:00 CET; 10:30pm IST; 1:00pm EST-US
Olen Gunnlaugson
Dynamic Presencing
Friday, 14 June 2019
5:00pm UTC; 19:00 CET; 10:30pm IST; 1:00pm EST-US

Discover the Power of We!
or over 70-
Less than €10 per hour of training and practice
Access to videos of all sessions
Need support? Email us.
Standard Price-
Still great value -- about €15 per hour of training and practice
Option to make three payments of €175, rather than one payment of €475
All videos from all sessions...PLUS
BONUS: Access to the videos from the 2016 course, "Emergent Dialogue Essentials"
Join with your peeps!-
We're open to have small, intentional groups join the course. Minimum 4 people.
Fee depends on size of group. Payment made for group, not individually..
Email us if you have questions or are interested.
Want to pay in dollars or in your own currency?
No worries. Paypal and all major credit cards can automatically exchange your currency when you register. In Europe, you also can pay directly from your bank to ours. If you have questions, please be in touch: text will not display on live site) This section is rotted (180degrees) for purposes of the background image framing. Simple custom CSS used on Section and Column.
Need more info?
If you feel drawn to this program and the “We Space” potential that it describes, we want you to be able to join us. If you have questions about technology or about fees/payments, be in touch! We want to help you.
If you have any questions, you can reach us at:
Thank you!