Awaken Your Tribe: Registration

Dr. Elizabeth Debold

Date(s) - 13/08/2019 - 17/08/2020
5:00 pm - 6:30 pm

Thank you for your interest in Awaken Your Tribe!  It is a year-long program for groups of between 4 – 10 people who want to learn the power of the awakened We.

We ask that you register and pay for the program as a committed group and we have a few different ways to do this. First, if you live in Europe or the UK and want to pay directly by bank transfer, you can do so by using our account information:

BY TRANSFER – Bank details:

emerge bewusstseinskultur e.V. (this is the name of the German educational charity that is the “parent” of One World in Dialogue. If you would like to know more about us, click here for further information in English.)
…… IBAN: DE11 4306 0967 6028 9037 00 │ BIC: GENODEM1GLS

Please note on the transaction that this is for Awaken Your Tribe! Please also be in touch with us to let us know that you have registered and the names/emails of your group members. You can contact us here:

Second, you can pay BY PAYPAL (AND CREDIT CARD):

Please follow the registration process below. In addition, please be in touch to let us know the names and email addresses of your group members. You can contact us here:

Really looking forward to working together very soon!

Best regards,

Elizabeth Debold


Enrollment closed for this course. Please contact us at: