Thomas Steininger talks with Abhishek Thakore
Abhishek Thakore, founder of the Blue Ribbon movement in India and the South Asian Youth Conference, has a vision for a new dimension of conscious social activism. He is bringing people together in new forms of shared relationship to allow them to develop new co-consious fields where conflicts can be transformed into creativity.
South Asia is one of the most troubled zones on this planet. Countries like India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Bangladesh have been in conflict and in a state of cold war for decades. Between India and Pakistan, this conflict could turn into a nuclear war at any moment.
In this context, Abhishek Thakore brings young leaders from these different countries together in conferences and in online gatherings to create seeds of shared understanding and dialogue between their different communities. His vision is a bold one: in coming together in this way we develop “new sense organs” where it is possible to see our human experience from a much bigger perspective–a perspective beyond the usual ethnic and national boundaries. If we develop global online networks rooted in interconnectedness, we can create new sense organs for a global human consciousness.
In this week’s Radio evolve, Thomas Steininger talks with Abhishek Thakore about his experience in creating creativity from conflict in the Blue Ribbon Movement and the South Asian Youth Conference.