A conversation with Maaianne Knuth
Maaianne Knuth is co-founder of Kufunda, which is both a village and a learning center one hour outside Harare, the capital of Zimbabwe. This village is a meeting place in many ways–most particularly, it is a place where African culture meets Waldorf education. While Waldorf education, developed by Rudolf Steiner, has been spreading rapidly from Brazil to China, the encounter between Zimbabwean culture and Waldorf holds the potential to change both. The inspiration of Rudolf Steiner and his philosophy, Anthroposophy, isn’t just limited to the village school, though. Recently, Maaianne was a key organizer of an All African Anthropsosophic Training where teachers, organic farmers, nurses, and other educators met from all over Africa to explore the practical potential of Anthroposophy for Africa. Maaianne, who is both Danish and Zimbabwean, is a sensitive observer of this meeting and the potential within it for transformation. She invites us to learn from the encounter between an African culture and Anthroposophy.
In this week’s Radio evolve, Thomas Steininger speaks with Maaianne Knuth about her social learning project in the Zimbabwean countryside. What can Africa learn from Anthroposophy and what can Anthroposophy learn from Africa?